Less Known Secret Benefits From Hot Stone Massage

Less Known Secret Benefits From Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a popular way to enhance a traditional massage experience. Here are some less-known secret benefits of this therapy:

Increased Blood Circulation

When the hot stones are placed at specific points in your body, they can aid in circulation and boost your overall wellness.

The heat of the stones helps increase blood flow and muscle relaxation. This also increases oxygen levels in your tissues, which helps speed up recovery time.

Increased Blood Circulation

A hot stone massage is a way to go if you want to feel less tense, more relaxed, and rejuvenated. The heat from the stones opens up blood vessels throughout your body, improving circulation.

The blood flow then transports more oxygen to your brain and muscles, which increases energy levels and reduces fatigue. It also releases toxins from your cells by stimulating better lymphatic flow, essential for flushing waste out of your system.

In addition, the heat from the stones helps your immune system by allowing you to fight infections. A scientific study shows that a single session of Swedish massage increases the number of lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that help your body fight disease.

In addition, some massage therapists will use lymphatic drainage techniques during a hot stone treatment. These techniques increase the flow of clear fluid from your lymphatic system and carry cells that fight infection.

Increased Oxygen Levels

If you have ever wondered why you feel so energized after a massage, the secret may be the increased oxygen levels associated with hot stone massage. This increased flow of oxygen helps to break down the build-up of lactic acid in your muscles, which can cause muscle stiffness and fatigue.

It also helps to disperse tissue congestion, alleviate swelling, reduce muscle spasms, and stimulate the autonomic nervous system. As a result, it is an excellent therapeutic option for musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

The heat of the stones penetrates deep into your skin to improve circulation and blood flow. This opens up the blood vessels to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, increasing their healing capacity. It also improves lymphatic drainage and cell renewal.

Reduced Stress

The light pressure of a hot stone massage is soothing and can help reduce stress. It also improves circulation and oxygenates your muscles.

Studies show that people who receive massages regularly experience fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. As a result, they can be more productive and focus better during the day.

A 2010 study found that massage may boost the immune system.

It may be effective in alleviating pain, fatigue, stress, and anxiety, especially in cancer patients. In addition, it can be combined with other forms of cancer therapy, such as chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

You can also benefit from a hot stone massage if you have an injury. However, if you have recent or severe bruising, cuts or scrapes, sunburn, or varicose veins, it’s best to avoid getting a hot stone massage until the area heals. You can use cold stones instead if you need them. This can reduce inflammation and prevent infection. You can even alternate hot and cold stone massages, which can be a great way to relieve muscle pain and stiffness.

Improved Sleep

Aside from being a natural and relaxing way to relieve stress, hot stone massages also improve sleep. The heat of the stones stimulates the production of endorphins, which are known to be sleep-inducing.

A study on hemodialysis patients shows that hot stone massage therapy can help these patients enjoy more profound and restorative sleep. In addition, researchers found that subjects in the massage group improved their sleep quality one month after the treatment ended.

In addition, a three-year study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management found that massage relieved pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, and nausea in 1,200 cancer patients. The study’s researchers believed that the comforting use of human touch was a significant factor in the positive results of the therapy.

Author: Jill T Frey